Subscribe for your health, the planet, and the animals
I went from omnivore to plant-based junk food to a whole foods plant-based diet, lost 25 pounds, got off my blood pressure meds, lowered my A1C from pre-diabetic to a thing of rare beauty, lost my PSVT (heart arrhythmia) along with my chronic reflux, high cholesterol, and believe it or not, dandruff. I’m running without knee problems for the first time in my life because there is no inflammation to cause those knee problems I always had before. I feel as if I’m growing younger every day. My energy is through the roof. My mood is even better.
It took me until the age of 61 to figure this out. With my posts here, I hope to help speed and ease the process for others.
As for your health, there’s all of this:
According to The Lancet, a leading medical journal in a peer-reviewed study, a whole foods plant-based diet is PROVEN to REVERSE coronary artery disease. It’s the only diet that can provably do so.
It has also reversed type 2 diabetes, colorectal cancer, and breast cancer. These are proven facts. No other diet does this.
A vegetarian who ads 2-3 servings of high quality white meat fish or chicken per week to their diet, triples their risk of coronary artery disease.
Why aren’t your doctors telling you this? Most have had only one day of nutritional training throughout their entire time in med school, for one thing. But there are other reasons.
As for the environment — Can you be an environmentalist and eat meat and dairy?When people who eat a plant-based diet save:
1100 gallons of water
45 lbs of grain
30 square feet of forest
10 lbs of CO2
1 animals life
Every. Single. Day.
As for spirituality, mine at least —Can you be a Wiccan and eat meat and dairy?
There’s only one commandment in the Craft of the Wise; Harm none.
If you watch some of the documentaries in our resource list, you’ll learn that animal agriculture is doing extreme, possibly irrevocable harm to our planet. It contributes more greenhouse gasses to earth’s atmosphere than all transportation combined.
And that’s according to the World Health Organization.
This way of eating changed everything for me. I’ll share how and why, and I’ll share lots of recipes, tips, references, and guides.
I also have a Facegroup Group called Live Plant Based.
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