These sweet potatoes are a super simple, four-ingredient recipe.
I think I’ve said this before. I cook like I write. I start thinking I need an idea for dinner, and I cast my awareness around, and I just find ideas and start putting them together.
This bowl was the most recent result of this process. It started with the maple-glazed sweet potatoes, and I went from there.
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Maple-Glazed Sweet Potatos
Serves 2
1 large sweet potato, peeled and diced
2 tablespoons maple syrup
Black pepper
Water to cover
Optional: slivered almonds
Dice the sweet potatoes to what you consider bite-sized, and pour them into a frying pan wide enough that they’re in a single layer. Pour in enough water to just cover. Drizzle the maple syrup over them, spreading it all over the surface.
Put a lid on the pan, and turn the heat to medium. When steam begins to emerge, remove the cover, lower the heat until you’ve reduced it to a simmer.
Allow to simmer, stirring frequently. Sometimes I put the cover back on for a couple of minutes, then remove it again. The goal is to cook the potatoes all the way through, while allowing the liquid to reduce into a thicker and thicker substance.
Do not burn! Keep the heat low.
Check the potatoes with a fork. Don’t cook them too much, you want a little firmness, a little resistance. You don’t want a bite of mush, right?
As the syrup thickens, stir to be sure every piece is coated.
Finally, grind black pepper over the entire surface, not too thick, but enough to know it’s there.
Serve as part of a bowl, as shown above or as a side dish to any meal.
Option: Garnish with slivered almonds.
A Note on the dressing…
It’s not my recipe to share, but I’ll tell you about it so you can decide if you want the book. (Hint: You do!) It’s called Anne and Essy’s Favorite, and it’s from The Engine 2 Cookbook, which has become my very favorite cookbook. It’s hummus-based, thinned with orange juice. There’s ginger, there’s mustard.
It was a little bit too tangy for me, but Lance loved it.
I’m going to try every dressing in that book!
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